How do you add actions to an infolist inside a resource opened in a slideover? #10370

How do you add actions to an infolist inside a resource opened in a...
I have this resource StoryResource. When i open the view action in a slideOver I want to add actions to the infolist view in the panel. I can add the actions and they show up, but when i click on t...
1 Reply
justlasseOP15mo ago
I've finally wrangled a viewentry with a livewire compoent to call the action and it works, but the dispath event is not being called or caught... Another update, I don't know if I'm doing it right but after lots f trial and error this is what i ended up with.... seems not right but it works... On the resource.. ViewActions::make('view_story_actions')->hidden(fn(Model $record) => $record->completed), In listStories page protected $listeners = ['updatedStory' => '$refresh']; public function markCompletedAction(): Action { return Action::make('markCompleted') ->action(function(array $arguments){ $story = data_get($arguments, 'story'); $story = Story::find($story['id'])->markCompleted(); // $story->markCompleted(); $this->dispatch('updatedStory', ['story' => $story]); }); } in the custom view {{ ($this->markCompletedAction)(['story' => $getRecord()]) }}

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