[Error] Waydroid not working or launching

Hi not sure whats broke but waydroid (container im guessing) is not launching correctly just getting a black screen window that shows up after running "/usr/bin/waydroid-launcher" waydroid log (removed some entries to fit on here): /usr/lib/waydroid/tools/helpers/net.py:34: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d' return re.search("(\d{1,3}.){3}\d{1,3}\s", f.read()).group().strip() (008404) [13:17:59] Save config: /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid.cfg (008404) [13:18:00] % mkdir -p /var/lib/waydroid/cache_http (008404) [13:18:00] Downloading (008404) [13:21:08] Validating system image (008404) [13:21:09] Extracting to /var/lib/waydroid/images (008404) [13:21:18] Save config: /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid.cfg (008404) [13:21:19] Downloading (008404) [13:22:48] Validating vendor image (008404) [13:22:49] Extracting to /var/lib/waydroid/images (008404) [13:22:51] Save config: /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid.cfg (008404) [13:22:51] % modprobe -q ashmem_linux (008404) [13:22:51] % lxc-info --version 4.0.12 (008404) [13:22:51] % mkdir -p /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid (008404) [13:22:51] % sh -c cat "/usr/lib/waydroid/data/configs/config_base" "/usr/lib/waydroid/data/configs/config_3" "/usr/lib/waydroid/data/configs/config_4" > "/var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid/config" (008404) [13:22:51] % sed -i s/LXCARCH/x86_64/ /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid/config (008404) [13:22:51] % cp -fpr /usr/lib/waydroid/data/configs/waydroid.seccomp /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid/waydroid.seccomp (008404) [13:22:51] % systemctl is-active -q apparmor (008404) [13:22:52] % mv /var/lib/waydroid/config_nodes /var/lib/waydroid/lxc/waydroid (009516) [13:27:25] Starting waydroid session (009516) [13:27:25] org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (009516) [13:27:25] WayDroid container is not listening (011615) [13:38:12] % tail -n 60 -F /var/lib/waydroid/waydroid.log ---end of log
14 Replies
HikariKnight16mo ago
[BUG] /usr/lib/waydroid/tools/helpers/net.py:34: SyntaxWarning: inv...
Describe the bug When running wayland-init or /usr/bin/waydroid-launcher I'm seeing the following message: andrew@fedora:~/Downloads$ /usr/bin/waydroid-launcher /usr/lib/waydroid/tools/helpers/...
LouisOP16mo ago
yeah but is that why the "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error." ..happens?
HikariKnight16mo ago
could be, i dont use waydroid myself, i have just seen that their net helper has been spitting out that warning for a while now i thought there were some just commands for waydroid but maybe not in the deck image anymore
LouisOP15mo ago
ah ok Update: I filed a bug report with the Waydroid team but i have gotten zero response so no idea if the cause is something directly with waydroid or if it is something with bazzite..
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo15mo ago
may be fixed in the latest build clear your /var/waydroid folder and try launching it once you've updated
LouisOP15mo ago
tried still the same error in waydroid log : (009535) [19:56:19] org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (009535) [19:56:19] WayDroid container is not listening and still the blacksrceen / weston window
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo15mo ago
you need to disable selinux or set it to permissive that's a different error than the first report
LouisOP15mo ago
that error was in the first report.. i cant post the whole log without nitro
LouisOP15mo ago
usr/lib/waydroid/tools/helpers/net.py:34: SyntaxWarning: invalid es...
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LouisOP15mo ago
the syntax warning i dont know if its really an error or just a informational warning tried this does same thing regardless
dnkmmr15mo ago
I've been getting errors with this as well
LouisOP15mo ago
Tried today i rebased to :latest i don't think there's a difference between it an 39 but i got it to run but following the guide the ujust configure-waydroid just spews a bunch of python line errors when trying to install the stuff into Waydroid as well as errors trying to do the device certification
HikariKnight15mo ago
only difference is that :latest will auto update to fedora 40 when it becomes available
LouisOP15mo ago
Then i suspect it was something that updated because it did install some updates...but anyway progress is progress lol

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