What do the different Debug Rendering mods show?
Show detail
is self evident as is Show overlapping quads
. Show generation mode
and Show render source flag
are what interest me most. Where/how can we learn about these?

4 Replies
I am noticing unfixable holes in the LODs. These holes are directly impacted by the
Quality Preset
however this might be related to the other bug I've reported. The Show render source flag
appears to mark the majority of the problematic LODs yellow... So why is this? And what is Show generation mode
actually telling us? As I would assume that the LODs would get fixed if the generation mode showed yellow in that area... however this is not the case.
- These unfixable holes have been an issue since 2.0 nightlies (months before the RC) and the method by which I fixed them last time is no longer an option.. I can't just generate these LODs fresh and copy them over the top of the existing ones anymore due to the database we are using. And asking me to constantly purge and regenerate my LODs each time this issue crops up is hardly a solution if it always occurs.Or should I be trying to understand what the Debug Wireframe rendering is doing.. because this is saying a lot which I don't understand. Is
Show Full Data file Status
what we care about? The green LODs tend to be fine so I'm assuming issues are from the incomplete red LOD files.. Yet.. I'm seeing incomplete LODs in the green LOD files? (Those chunks exist..)

Yeah this is one of those issues that has been plaguing me for a long time and I don't know the cause or solution to.
If I had to guess there's a bug somewhere where either an empty LOD gets saved and the system doesn't think it needs to be updated afterwards or the world generator was stopped before it finished that area and the LOD was marked as fully generated so the generator doesn't go back and fill it in.
As for your questions:
If I remember correctly generation mode should show whether a LOD was created using the world generator or generated by loading a MC chunk.
render source flag should denote what the underlying data structure is for the current LOD.
Yellow indicates the data source is an
(it isn't fully generated, there may be holes).
Blue indicates a CompleteFullDataSource
(the LODs are fully generated, there should be no holes).
full data file status
green - loaded CompleteFullDataSource
(should have no holes)
yellow - loaded IIncompleteFullDataSource
(may have holes)
red - no data exists yet, needs generation
black - not loaded
There isn't any documentation about what the debug options do, you'd have to look through the code. For example here is the logic behind the full data file status:
This repo holds the core code for the Distant Horizons mod.
I will review the what you have said/what the code says in a bit. little bit too drunk for that stuff right jow
What about commands to mark lods as invalid such that they are regenerated? I think I recommended this before.. Like it's not really a huge issue. My system is not too strong and I am pushing DH a lot. I wouldn't mind a command or two that flags stuff to regenerate.
I think I might just be moving a little bit too quickly but as you pointed out... the system might not know it's empty. Again... it works fine for the first 2-3 GB of the world. I assume my 9750h is just choking things up.