Unable to login to panels in Production
I can log in to all my filament panels in my local environment but not on production. And I get no error.
Other details:
—Three separate Filament panels using separate authentication guards (web, sellers, buyers).
— Hosted on a managed VPS in a sub-domain for testing.
— All public pages and publicly accessible database content are visible.
— All my models (User, Buyer, Seller) are Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
— Currently, all these models have the below method for accessing the panel:
I didn't implement the current following code because I have users in all panels with different domains. For example, Sellers or Buyers can have their domain emails so that way my emails will be different.
I have seen it in my database and the record is created. Registration is also happening but I am not able to login in production. Please help.
Solution:Jump to solution
Your server configuration doesn't allow loading JS files through PHP so it's not loading
3 Replies
There IS an error in the JS console:
Your server configuration doesn't allow loading JS files through PHP so it's not loading
Thnaks @Dennis Koch . my issue is resolved. It was error at both end. Server configuration. And i had Livewire package installed alogside Filament which was not needed. so may be livewire conflicts.