403 Google search console
Hello I have problème with all the bot that can’t access to my website it got the 403 Forbiden access that some screen of what I put on cloudflare

14 Replies
Well, you have a rule which challenges all requests from Verified Bots which includes every single search engine we're aware of. You should reconsider that setup
How I can just block the bots like the Ddos requeste and let the verified bot enter I. My website
Sorry bad English
Create a new rule with verified bot == bypass
Like this ?

I cannot read the language your sending me but it looks right
Okey good
It’s French
Try and find out
Let me know if it works
Ok thanks 👍🏽 it tell u if it working
Do what @sha256 suggested to allow the good bots and then enable Bot Fight Mode to filter out the bad ones https://developers.cloudflare.com/bots/get-started/free/
Get started with Bot Fight Mode · Cloudflare bot solutions docs
Bot Fight Mode is a simple, free product that helps detect and mitigate bot traffic on your domain. When enabled, the product:
Si i apply these rules and it’s not working always 403 error

I adjust my rules and it worked thx @sha256