reset password

This feature is not working, I've added the
It send the email and got the page to reset my password but I'm getting a user not found... any ideas?
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6 Replies
toeknee15mo ago
Did you enter the email…
ingmontoyaOP15mo ago
that field is not edditable for some reason :/ it's disabled
toeknee15mo ago
So it's not being populated which it should be on load
ingmontoyaOP15mo ago
yeah, so my bad bc I customized the reset password and that's why it wasn't sending the email param... I figure it out doing this:
$user = $record;
$team = Filament::getTenant()->name;
$token = app(PasswordBroker::class)->createToken($user);
$url = Filament::getPanel('petlinkadmin')->getResetPasswordUrl($token, $user);
$params = [
'url' => $url,
'user' => $user,
'team' => $team,
$user->notify(new sendEmailResetToUsers($params));
$user = $record;
$team = Filament::getTenant()->name;
$token = app(PasswordBroker::class)->createToken($user);
$url = Filament::getPanel('petlinkadmin')->getResetPasswordUrl($token, $user);
$params = [
'url' => $url,
'user' => $user,
'team' => $team,
$user->notify(new sendEmailResetToUsers($params));
toeknee15mo ago
So if you remove your customisation does it work..
ingmontoyaOP15mo ago
correct, thank you for jumping out !

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