Filament15mo ago

Minimal Theme install?

Hi, I just preorderd the Minimal Theme. When i want to install after i added to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://privato.pub/composer/filament"
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://privato.pub/composer/filament"
and executed the following command
composer require filament/minimal-theme:"^3.0@alpha"
composer require filament/minimal-theme:"^3.0@alpha"
i get following error
- Root composer.json requires filament/minimal-theme 3.0@alpha, found filament/minimal-theme[v3.0.0-alpha1, ..., v3.0.0-alpha12] but it does not match the constraint.
- Root composer.json requires filament/minimal-theme 3.0@alpha, found filament/minimal-theme[v3.0.0-alpha1, ..., v3.0.0-alpha12] but it does not match the constraint.
How can i solve this problem? Is it also possible to get Github Repo acces? Thanks
What is your minimum-stability in your composer.json?
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17 Replies
rubenvanerk15mo ago
What is your minimum-stability in your composer.json?
TiemeOP15mo ago
@rubenvanerk thanks, it is stable and not alpha like the pakacge is.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
Hey @Tieme (and @rubenvanerk), the minimum-stability setting can just be stable, since you're explicitly requiring the alpha version of the theme package. Could you try running composer update first to make sure you're on the latest version of Filament before adding the Minimal Theme to your composer.json file? Currently there's no GitHub repo access. Could you tell me what you'd want access for? 🙂
TiemeOP15mo ago
Hi Zep, I have updates to the latest version of filament - Laravel : 10.38.1 - PHP: 8.1.6 - Filament: 3.1.24 still got the same error message. Here is my composer.json https://gist.github.com/sitenzo/c4cc0c6df4bc5b4289bc081cad7e4a42
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
Hmm, weird... Did setting minimum-stability to alpha fix it for you?
TiemeOP15mo ago
@Zep Fietje if i change "minimum-stability": "alpha", still the same problem.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
Interesting... I can't reproduce, so could you provide me with your composer.lock file? Allows me to dig a little deeper
TiemeOP15mo ago
@Zep Fietje Here is a base filament composer with the lockfile where i have the same issue. https://gist.github.com/sitenzo/ba0569ba882ab999eec953117b5b4fae
Minimal Theme (composer.json)
Minimal Theme (composer.json). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
That composer.lock file shows version v3.1.0 of Filament's packages is installed Could you run composer update first before installing the Minimal Theme? Since it requires version 3.1.14 of Filament Could you provide the composer.lock of this project? Because you said you actually have 3.1.24 installed there..? 🤔
TiemeOP15mo ago
@Zep Fietje Sorry for the late response, in following Repo / Branch are the composer.json/.lock file https://github.com/sitenzo/FilamentGlobalSettings/tree/testing-minimal-theme I'm installing it locally on PHPStorm CLI with - PHP 8.1.6 - Composer version 2.5.7 This is the complete error message i get when executing following command
composer require filament/minimal-theme:"^3.0@alpha"
composer require filament/minimal-theme:"^3.0@alpha"
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires filament/minimal-theme 3.0@alpha, found filament/minimal-theme[v3.0.0-alpha1, ..., v3.0.0-alpha14] but it does not match the constraint.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires filament/minimal-theme 3.0@alpha, found filament/minimal-theme[v3.0.0-alpha1, ..., v3.0.0-alpha14] but it does not match the constraint.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
GitHub - sitenzo/FilamentGlobalSettings at testing-minimal-theme
Contribute to sitenzo/FilamentGlobalSettings development by creating an account on GitHub.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
Thanks for sharing the repo, @Tieme. I just cloned it, ran composer install, and followed the first two installation steps of the theme package without any issues: https://filamentphp.com/plugins/filament-minimal-theme#installation-1
Minimal Theme by Filament - Filament
Featuring a clean design with less rounding, a lighter background and redesigned UI components.
TiemeOP15mo ago
@Zep Fietje its a local issue then, i have no idee where to look. Thanks for all the help and checking things for me.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
Are you able to reproduce the issue in a fresh project with minimal customizations?
TiemeOP15mo ago
That was the repo you had, only added a testResource and custom theme
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
I doubt it makes any difference, but could you try skipping those steps and just installing the package into a new project that requires filament/filament?
TiemeOP15mo ago
@Zep Fietje did not yet had the time to do this, but have some kind of workaround that works. Just added "filament/minimal-theme": "^3.0@alpha" to the require in my composer.json and dit not get any errors. Don't know why but it works for now.
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje15mo ago
That's exactly what composer require should do for you, right? 😂 Weird, but glad it works now! By the way, you can change alpha to beta now 🙂

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