First time deploying with railway - issues

I am using railway to deploy a Flask app but I was not able to get it going. From what i know i need the requirements.txt and the Procfile. I checked on the Build Configuration Docs but it didn't really help.. You can find the repo of the Website here: Build logs are attached
GitHub - codian40V3/UNIFINITY-Webpage
Contribute to codian40V3/UNIFINITY-Webpage development by creating an account on GitHub.
53 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
MantisInABox7mo ago
@codian40v3 that does not look like the complete build logs
codian40v37mo ago
hm.. I went to the project -> view logs -> build logs and pasted this, what am i missing?
MantisInABox7mo ago
You can use the link that Fragly provided to get the complete log
codian40v37mo ago
Fragly7mo ago
Seems like a version conflict
No description
MantisInABox7mo ago
That will definitely do it
codian40v37mo ago
Oh i see that. Thank You so much! Im checking back Now i was able to deploy but i only get Application failed to respond.. My Procfile reads web: gunicorn main:app
codian40v37mo ago
And the website also just crashed..
codian40v37mo ago
Tryiying with "web: npm run start"; atleast it won't crash, but still; Application failed to respond. EDIT: It just crashed
MantisInABox7mo ago
Why are you running npm run start? npm is for node, not python And gunicorn main:app won't work with the contents of your file anyway. You don't have an app class Your start command should be gunicorn webpage:app
codian40v37mo ago
Oh yeah i see... Thank you for your help! Its running now! Appreciate it alot!
codian40v37mo ago
So it all worked, but now im having an "500 internal server error" when trying to use the contact form. On my localhost it works, so i figure the issue is in railway. Im also using the shared variables..
Brody7mo ago
this isnt an issue with railway, are you trying to use gmail?
codian40v37mo ago
How so? It worked on my local development server. Yes I am.
Brody7mo ago
it works on my machine does not rule out code issues, and from experience i can say for certain this isnt an issue with railway itself. can you click the eye icon on the gmail related service variables, do they render and display properly?
codian40v37mo ago
hmm weird. Thanks for checking too! Yes they do
Brody7mo ago
okay then that just leaves gmail itself, gmail has been known to disallow login attempts that come from online hosts/clouds like railway or vps. id recommend buying a domain and going with zoho as the email host
codian40v37mo ago
Ok. I do have a domain via godaddy which is hosted through microsoft 365, think this could work too?
Brody7mo ago
yeah youd have a far better chance with that then a free email like gmail
codian40v37mo ago
Sweet. Thank you very much for your dedication. I'll check that out. Love So funny thing i switched to microsoft 365, spent hours yesterday trying to figure out why it didn't work, turned off security defaults and all. But i can't seem to solve the problem. Could openssl 1.1* be an issue? I was not able to download it thou.. and on my localhost it works just fine, only on railway it doesn't..
Brody7mo ago
Authentication unsuccessful I don't see anything about openssl?
codian40v37mo ago
Yes i know, but i got that from And i tried Dan Farfan's approach, but I couldn't do it
Brody7mo ago
personally I'd focus on the answer that has 9 upvotes instead of 0
codian40v37mo ago
I tried that approach, SMTP Auth in the pwsh didnt work neither.. It did return false which means the SMTP Auth is enabled
Jack7mo ago
If you’re using Microsoft’s exchange server, you’ll most likely need to use an Oauth2.0 flow and get access tokens from the Azure app. Microsoft deprecated the basic authentication flow, which left me stuck and trying every possible solution for a while before realizing.
Brody7mo ago
Zoho is the answer
Jack7mo ago
Only downside is the need to use a subdomain, rather than your domain.
Brody7mo ago
huh why? I have my Zoho email on the root domain
MantisInABox7mo ago
Jack7mo ago
Oh I’m talking about if you’re already using Microsoft’s exchange servers for your domain-level mail.
Brody7mo ago
switch 🙂
Jack7mo ago
Have Microsoft enterprise licenses, use them for corporate email and azure. 😕
Brody7mo ago
I'm sorry to hear that
Jack7mo ago
It’s alright, would prefer it over Google, they both have their positives and negatives, just like Microsoft as a company more. Zoho has really nice services too, like their overall administrative tools and invoice things.
Brody7mo ago
their tools are decent, yeah
codian40v37mo ago
Thank you very much! So if i read right, they are not really encouraging to keep going with Oauth2.0, or SMTP in general? What about using a completely separate e-mail address for the sole purpose of this contact form, what providers would be a good for SMTP? I read Zoho as a paid option, are there reliable free options? Or are they not worth it. Love Or would you still go with Oauth2.0? Don't feel too comfortable going that path as they already discourage people to use it
Brody7mo ago
Zoho has a free plan and supports plain auth, and when you need to upgrade to a paid plan they are very reasonable price wise
codian40v37mo ago
oh i see. Thanks alot folks for your help! Truly appreciated ❤️
Brody7mo ago
no problem!
Jack7mo ago
Zoho and Brevo are really nice, Zoho being more of a mailbox service and Brevo being more of a email-campaign SMTP focused service.
codian40v37mo ago
I still can't get it up and running, i get 535 authentication error with zoho. Brevo i can't get it to run neigher.. I contacted zoho to see what other authentications are missing. What really bugs me is that it works locally but not when i upload it to railway. What issue could that be? Shouldn't authentication errors also be raised locally?
Jack7mo ago
There’s no whitelist? All of the authenticated credentials are correct? Are you trying to deploy a template, public repo/image, or custom infrastructure?
codian40v37mo ago
I am not aware of any whitelist..
codian40v37mo ago
How and where would I find one? Also i am deploying a public repo that i build myself. You can find it here
GitHub - codian40V3/UNIFINITY-Webpage
Contribute to codian40V3/UNIFINITY-Webpage development by creating an account on GitHub.
codian40v36mo ago
So I FINALLY solved the issue, and railway was the issue, i tried brevo, zoho, microsoft 365, tried it all nothing worked.. I ended up using SMTP2Go, and their amazing support helped me out quite a bit. I tried to do the whole thing on and it worked, no idea where the issue was.. but it works now. Thanks alot for all you folks' help, i won't forget how much of a hassle it was to setup my first ever website, but i finally did it. Love codian
Brody6mo ago
im sorry but i have to say that railway was not the issue, i have used zoho countless times on railway without issue but nevertheless i am happy you got this working!
Jack6mo ago
I’ve used M365, Zoho, and Brevo as well. Definitely not an issue with them or Railway.
codian40v35mo ago
Yes i don't know either.. it's weird.. Eitherway Thank you all