Extremely high usage due to weird ordering used by drizzle

After facing a ton of read rows in planetscale, I contacted the support team, the issue seemed to be in a weird piece of the query that drizzle was performing Basically, this query:
where: (debate, { eq }) => eq(debate.name, debateName),
with: {
league: true,
team: true,
posts: {
with: {
author: {
columns: {
name: true,
with: { team: { columns: { logoUrl: true } } },
orderBy: desc(postsTable.createdAt),
limit: 16,
where: (debate, { eq }) => eq(debate.name, debateName),
with: {
league: true,
team: true,
posts: {
with: {
author: {
columns: {
name: true,
with: { team: { columns: { logoUrl: true } } },
orderBy: desc(postsTable.createdAt),
limit: 16,
translates to the following sql query:
6 Replies
titongoOP15mo ago
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titongoOP15mo ago
particularly, this portion of the query seems to be problematic
(SELECT *, row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY `debatesTable_posts`.`created_at` DESC)
FROM `posts` `debatesTable_posts`
WHERE `debatesTable_posts`.`debate_id` = `debatesTable`.`id`
LIMIT 16) `debatesTable_posts`), json_array()) AS `posts`
(SELECT *, row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY `debatesTable_posts`.`created_at` DESC)
FROM `posts` `debatesTable_posts`
WHERE `debatesTable_posts`.`debate_id` = `debatesTable`.`id`
LIMIT 16) `debatesTable_posts`), json_array()) AS `posts`
for some reason, the whole row_number() thing is slowing things down, and what is causing it is orderBy: desc(postsTable.createdAt) I tried replacing it with
FROM `posts` `debatesTable_posts`
WHERE `debatesTable_posts`.`debate_id` = `debatesTable`.`id`
LIMIT 16 ORDER BY `debatesTable_posts`.`created_at` DESC) `debatesTable_posts`), json_array()) AS `posts`
FROM `posts` `debatesTable_posts`
WHERE `debatesTable_posts`.`debate_id` = `debatesTable`.`id`
LIMIT 16 ORDER BY `debatesTable_posts`.`created_at` DESC) `debatesTable_posts`), json_array()) AS `posts`
and row reads went from 20.000 to 37.
Angelelz15mo ago
Wow Please open a GitHub issue. Let's see if we can get a fix
titongoOP15mo ago
Sure! If anyone is facing something similar, here is my (extremely ugly) workaround:
const problemString = `from (select *, row_number() over (order by \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`created_at\` desc) from \`posts\` \`debatesTable_posts\` where \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`debate_id\` = \`debatesTable\`.\`id\` limit 16) \`debatesTable_posts\`), json_array()) as \`posts\``;
const replacedWith = `FROM (SELECT * FROM \`posts\` \`debatesTable_posts\` WHERE \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`debate_id\` = \`debatesTable\`.\`id\` ORDER BY \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`created_at\` DESC LIMIT 16) \`debatesTable_posts\`), json_array()) AS \`posts\``;

const connection = connect({
host: config.dbHost,
username: config.dbUsername,
password: config.dbPassword,
fetch: (url, options) => {
let modifiedBody = options?.body || "";
if (!modifiedBody || modifiedBody.indexOf("row_number()") !== -1) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace(problemString, replacedWith);
return fetch(url, { ...options, body: modifiedBody });
const problemString = `from (select *, row_number() over (order by \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`created_at\` desc) from \`posts\` \`debatesTable_posts\` where \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`debate_id\` = \`debatesTable\`.\`id\` limit 16) \`debatesTable_posts\`), json_array()) as \`posts\``;
const replacedWith = `FROM (SELECT * FROM \`posts\` \`debatesTable_posts\` WHERE \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`debate_id\` = \`debatesTable\`.\`id\` ORDER BY \`debatesTable_posts\`.\`created_at\` DESC LIMIT 16) \`debatesTable_posts\`), json_array()) AS \`posts\``;

const connection = connect({
host: config.dbHost,
username: config.dbUsername,
password: config.dbPassword,
fetch: (url, options) => {
let modifiedBody = options?.body || "";
if (!modifiedBody || modifiedBody.indexOf("row_number()") !== -1) {
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.replace(problemString, replacedWith);
return fetch(url, { ...options, body: modifiedBody });
titongoOP15mo ago
here are my planetscale row reads
No description
titongoOP15mo ago
and here's the latency
No description

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