Record data not updated after changes on a Livewire component within a Infolist

Hello. I'm building custom InfoList for a Document record. The document is shared throuh a form where the user can add emails and send the link. This behavior is already working in a livewire component that is being added in the infolist. Then below the form i have an Action component that allows me to disable the shared link. This action is not loaded until the document is shared and the shared link is available for the document (After submitting the form). The problem is that when I submit the form and the link is generated, the Action below is not being disaplayed until I refresh the page. This should be reactive on the infolist (i guess) but I dont know how to trigger the reactivity on the Action entry in order to display the button without reloading the whole page. Any help is appreciated.
15 Replies
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Could you share the code?
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
Sure, might be too long.
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
Currently I'm having this issue:
No description
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
The workflows field dissapears and console show this message: Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id: 3bwb9bwuaHSqfk8zBQhw
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Could you share the blade, where you are using the livewire component?
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
'fi-resource-' . str_replace('/', '-', $this->getResource()::getSlug()),
'fi-resource-record-' . $this->getRecord()->getKey(),
@if ($this->hasInfolist())
{{ $this->infolist }}
wire:key="{{ $this->getId() }}.forms.{{ $this->getFormStatePath() }}"
{{ $this->form }}
'fi-resource-' . str_replace('/', '-', $this->getResource()::getSlug()),
'fi-resource-record-' . $this->getRecord()->getKey(),
@if ($this->hasInfolist())
{{ $this->infolist }}
wire:key="{{ $this->getId() }}.forms.{{ $this->getFormStatePath() }}"
{{ $this->form }}
I'm creating a custom Page because I was using a custom ListRecord page.
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Why you are using wire:key?
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
Was trying to fix this: Uncaught Snapshot missing on Livewire component with id:
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Could you add a test? wire:key="{{ now() }}"
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
Well, I'm not using that wire:key at all. I've copied the view-record view but I'm using an infolist so that condition is not loaded.
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Where is the select? Where is the "Guardar" button? In the {{ $this->form }} ? hum here? Workflow::getInfolistComponents($this->getRecord()) How are you rendering the fields?
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
The select is in a livewire component
getInfolistComponents loads the livewire component:
public static function getInfolistComponents(Document $record, $editMode = true) : array
$documentType = $record->documentType;
if ($documentType->workflows()->count() === 0) {
return [];

if (!$editMode) {
return self::getInfolistComponentsForView($record);

$workflowComponents = [];

foreach ($documentType->workflows as $key => $workflow) {
$workflowComponents[] = Section::make(__($workflow->name))
->description(function () use ($workflow) { return $workflow->description ?? false; })
Livewire::make(DocumentWorkflow::class, ['record' => $record, 'workflow' => $workflow])

return $workflowComponents;
public static function getInfolistComponents(Document $record, $editMode = true) : array
$documentType = $record->documentType;
if ($documentType->workflows()->count() === 0) {
return [];

if (!$editMode) {
return self::getInfolistComponentsForView($record);

$workflowComponents = [];

foreach ($documentType->workflows as $key => $workflow) {
$workflowComponents[] = Section::make(__($workflow->name))
->description(function () use ($workflow) { return $workflow->description ?? false; })
Livewire::make(DocumentWorkflow::class, ['record' => $record, 'workflow' => $workflow])

return $workflowComponents;
And DocumentWorkflow::class is the livewire components which has InteractsWithForm
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
hum, when you are using a loop, you should include a unique key value for each iteration
Jean Roumeau
Jean RoumeauOP15mo ago
You mean on Section ::make()...? I think I've already tried that, but will do it again.
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
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