Bug with select->multiple(), other ->live() components and $get()?

Hi, I have this component added to the form:
protected static function getUsersFormComponent() : Components\Component
return Components\Select::make('users')
->relationship('users', 'name')
->exists(table: User::class, column: 'id')
protected static function getUsersFormComponent() : Components\Component
return Components\Select::make('users')
->relationship('users', 'name')
->exists(table: User::class, column: 'id')
And then I have various components with ->live() on them which uses $get() and $set() on the form. This all works fine with a regular Select, but when adding ->multiple() to the select the form breaks because $get('some_value') will return null. If I remove ->multiple() from the select again I get the values. This happens when you interact with the select, removing or adding users for instance. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it might be a bug.
5 Replies
bjornbjornOP15mo ago
public function users(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);
public function users(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Does it work?
->relationship('users', 'name')
->content(fn (Get $get): string => implode(', ', $get('users') ?? []))
->relationship('users', 'name')
->content(fn (Get $get): string => implode(', ', $get('users') ?? []))
bjornbjornOP15mo ago
yes, that code works fine. The issue is that i clears the state of the other ->live() components .. or rather, doesn't clear them in the UI but if I do $get('some_state') after interacting with the users select that other state returns 'null'
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
maybe you could share the whole code

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