Railway7mo ago

No logs for my deployment

Hello, I deployed a new version of my app and there should be logs because my users used it, but there is no logs Do you have any idea why ? Did railway have an issue with logs recently ?
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12 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: df1ac280-a03b-4213-9495-09597046a130
abc2227mo ago
Brody7mo ago
when was this particular deployment made?
abc2227mo ago
Hello, it was done on Dec 11, 2023 8:37 pm
Brody7mo ago
and youre on pro right?
abc2227mo ago
I'm on Hobby Plan
Brody7mo ago
oh you mentioned you had users, either way, can you try redeploying?
abc2227mo ago
I mean, I had users using my app, my product* And their usage should output some logs because they did specific actions on my app that output logs I will try and it may work but I can't do it now since it would interrupt their current task I just wanted to know if this can happen often or not, because this happening makes me unable to rely on logs to fix bugs on my app
Brody7mo ago
if youre running a product with users on railway that is generally not a hobby use case, thats a pro use case. no this isn't common but every platform will have issues at some point.
abc2227mo ago
Okay, and I get that going pro would be more adapted for that, but it's currently in beta and may not be ever monetized, and since it makes no money, going pro may not make sense yet
Brody7mo ago
no worries, thats why i said generally, with this extra information, hobby is fine if you are fine with it once youre able to redeploy let me know if there are still no logs and we can go from there!
abc2227mo ago
Okay, it just felt weird because missing logs wouldn't happen on a normal hosting, but if it's really rare, i'll just redeploy when I can and maybe it won't ever happen again, bad luck happens haha yes i'll let you know thank you !