I have an issue with resource sharing cross-tenant
Hello everyone, I'm a new developer with Filament. I have an issue with resource sharing cross-tenant. it's possible to use resources across the tenant. For example, City Resource can use multiple tenants in the app.
10 Replies
Add this to your filament resource to make it not be scoped to the tenant (aka shared amongst all tenants)
protected static bool $isScopedToTenant = false;
I put it already but still error like attach file

which filament version are you running?

i wonder if isScopedToTenant was added later, try updatring it to :
"filament/filament": "^3.0",
so sorry I'm a new developer, and I don't know how to run an update
Can you share commend to update
still the same error, I use composer update
run this in the command line:
composer require "filament/filament:^3.0"
Thank you very much, I update to V3.1.20 it working now