Filament7mo ago

Replicate action: Is it possible to replicate relation data when replicating the row?

I have a table with hasMany relationship with another table. Structure: tbl1 -------------------------------- id. | name -------------------------------- 1 | abc 2 | xyz 3 | abc123 tbl2 -------------------------------- id. | tbl1_id | attr -------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 8847 2 | 2 | 3332 3 | 1 | 2234 Now the replication action is replicating the tbl1 row, but not the relational data from tbl2. I have checked the doc (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/actions/prebuilt-actions/replicate), but can't find the answer. Please help me to find the way to accomplish it. Thanks in advance.
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