Terralith, techtonic , and terrablender causes segfault on forge.

I've been having these issues on forge on my custom mod pack and having been tearing my hair out trying to discover what is causing the crash. This is the smallest number of mods I've used to get the crash to occur, however its worth noting I've gotten the crash without terrablender once before, I was running all of yungs mods at the time. I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this and if Its possible for me to try anything else to narrow down what the issue is. I really want to be able to run terra blender / BOP / Terralith / Techtonic so I'd really love if anyone could help me fix this.
7 Replies
@James Seibel (GMT-6) I'm running win 10 with rtx 3060 to answer your question from the other thread
BackSun15mo ago
The concurrent modification error in that first log should be fixed in the latest nightly. As for the second error; looking closer I've never seen that one before. Make sure you're running the latest NVIDIA drivers, other then that you could try removing your other mods and seeing if that helps, but I don't think that's the issue.
I haven't gotten the crash to occur without mods but the random nature means it's possible I just haven't run into it yet. It ranges from an instant crash to a crash after an hour. Typically it starts with some flickering lods, almost as if random ones are getting drawn everywhere. Spinning the camera seems to make it get worse. I get a bunch of open gl errors spammed in the console sometimes, sometimes I don't. Then after a little bit it crashes. This style of crash is always a segfault Also running these mods I often get random holes in the lods, not sure if that's related or not Also worth noting this was not an issue pre 2.0
BackSun15mo ago
Yeah unfortunately OpenGL errors like this are nearly impossible to diagnose and fix (at least for me). So as a I said, make sure you're on the latest NVIDIA drivers and if that doesn't work I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions.
Got it, I'm pretty sure I'm running the latest drivers but I'll check when I get home tonight. I'll probably just move back to the pre 2.0 build if drivers don't fix it and no one has any ideas as I've already put way too many hours into trying to fix this because I'm stubborn lol. Welp driver and java update did not fix it and as far as I can tell every mod I throw at DH that touches worldgen has the ability to cause this crash so back to pre 2.0 I go looks like I'm actually getting the same error in pre 2.0 💀. Its just much less common. Really losing hope in ever getting this up and running
I guess it's good to know the issue persists across versions though

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