Original filename in preview and download, but custom stored filename in FileUpload
I basically want to change the name of the file that is being downloaded. But I cant find the function that does that. My suspicions say that its only done by JS. But if that is the case then how can I change the name of the file being downloaded? (I dont want to change anything in the database). Even better, I want to show the original name of the file in the preview, but not when viewing on another tab (I have secure storage via controller)
30 Replies
WHen a file is uploaded the name of it is changed to a hash string.
For example this function. The url works fine, but if I change the "name" to another string, then it shows the hash string, and not the string that I gave it. ANy ideas why?
It should be mentioned this is inside the setup() method, on a custom FileUpload component that extends FileUpload
I have seen something similar with #curator . In the storage folder the file is in the form of a uuid, but it appears on the page with its original name
Curator captures all the information it needs and stores that in its own table. For file upload there’s not a separate table unless you make one and use relationships.
Maybe this is more of what you’re looking for https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/fields/file-upload#storing-original-file-names-independently
Hello. Uhm, not quite. I already have that.
So when you preview a file or want to download, how can I make it such that the name appearing is the original file name? I know how to get the original file name, but not how to return it 🤔

I tried to understand the magic you made in your plugin, but couldnt quite figure it out
Using the storage facade you can change the name of the downloaded file. https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/filesystem#downloading-files
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Not sure how to do it with the fileuploads built in download method though.
Thanks, will have a look
Hello. I tried, but im only able to download it with a custom file name
The url is called in web.php which calls a Controller
Any help is appreciated:)
any help?
Even this function:

And this is how I save the file:
Even changing the size to lets say 3, doesnt change the size shown, which tells me something else is going on

Do you have a repo you could share? Having trouble following the bits and pieces.
Feel free to dm me with the repo if you don’t want to share it here.
I will make a reproduction repo, and share it with you!
Thank you for your time
No worries.
pm sent:)
As for the custom view you told me about. Can I change the name of the file being displayed from the blade file? That is also ok with me
In a custom view you can display anything you want, it’s just a blade file.
Ah, what about the file-upload blade file?
I wouldn’t, that’s a core file. And it’s also relative to the filepond implementation.
My custom views just use img tags not the fileupload or filepond. It’s just blade and html.
Gotcha. Thanks. So no easy easy way for the moment
Depends on your definition of easy. Lol.
But changing a core blade view and alpine component that uses a 3rd party plugin is not going to be easy, ever.
Yeah, it could also break things in the future
Yep. Personally, I think you’re trying to over complicate something that ultimately doesn’t matter. But you have to understand the context in which you are trying to hijack the system.
You’re trying to hijack the preview file name inside the 3rd party package and if they don’t have an api to do that then it can’t be done.
All the previews in curator don’t have anything to do with the FileUpload field or FilePond. Anywhere those are used still show the filename and not anything else.
Because the filename shown in the actual FileUpload in the green area at the top doesn’t matter.
I see. Then I will stop trying because its not worth my efforts 😅. I already wasted 2 full days.
It’s just the physical name of the file in storage and that could be a temp filename or the actual filename depending on what point in the process of saving the record your at.
I just find it weird because the
returns the original name in the array, but I still got the custom name xd
I will just wait/hope for FilePond to release an implementationFilePond just uses the actual filename. And to my knowledge there’s nothing you can do about that.
Thanks for letting me know:)
Hi, i have the same problem, but i found a solution!!
i create a action in the 'actions' section from my relationmanager, you can adjust to your needs, the code is:
->action(function ($record) {
// the original file name is in the field 'nombre_original' ,
return Response::download('storage/'.$record['archivo'], $record['nombre_original']);