filamentphp navigation parent item and chld item
I am currently trying to figure out on why my navigation child item does not seem to work.
Current my navigation has a Group with in the resource items and i want to add a child to this item named ItemStudents
class ItemStudentResource extends Resource
protected static ?string $model = ItemStudent::class;
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-shopping-bag';
protected static ?string $modelLabel = 'Item Inventory';
protected static ?string $navigationParentItem = 'Items';
public static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Stuvatar';
class ItemResource extends Resource
protected static ?string $model = Item::class;
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-cube';
public static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Stuvatar';
protected static ?string $navigationLabel = 'Items';

Solution:Jump to solution
Please confirm which verison of filament you are on. Dan submitted these changes in 3.1.18 by the looks of it.
7 Replies
good question, i have the same issue
anyone have an answer?
you can't do sub items as of yet. I believe that is an incoming v3.2 feature, can you confirm please @Zep Fietje
i saw some informstion about it in the docs but i cannot get it to work
Please confirm which verison of filament you are on. Dan submitted these changes in 3.1.18 by the looks of it.
thanks its fixed