Filament15mo ago

Trouble with CheckboxList and Group Rendering

I have a CheckboxList that contains 7 options, and I want to render a group for each option. Here is my code: Forms\Components\CheckboxList::make('day') ->options(PreferredDay::getPreferredDay()) ->reactive(), Group::make([ Forms\Components\TimePicker::make('start_time') ->hidden(function ($get) { return !$get('day'); }), Forms\Components\TimePicker::make('end_time') ->hidden(function ($get) { return !$get('day'); }), ])->columns(2),
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3 Replies
RahulOP15mo ago
how to solve it ??
toeknee15mo ago
You can't, you could put a custom class on it and then write some custom css. Or you can create fields day1, day2, day3 etc and then on the save/action get the values and store them to day.
RahulOP15mo ago
Thanks for your Response..

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