I need help with my cloudflare account (READ THIS PLEASE)

Guys I have a cloudflare account that i deleted and regretted. I created a new account now the situation is that the old deleted account's things like pages domain; securityexperts.pages.dev csehrafin.pages.dev Still works and redirects i can't reserve or control those because they are reserved already also the Zero Trust Domain: aad-securityexperts.cloudflareaccess.com is still reserved and i integrated my OKTA and Former Azure AD / Entra Login system with the old zero trust Please Help me!!
2 Replies
Erisa15mo ago
Hi @CsehRafin, I am not aware of a way to free up the old Zero Trust domain (though I can ask!), but we are able to escalate the request to remove the Pages projects. Please could you send me in a private message the email address that the old account was registered under, and I can create a Support ticket to get this moved forward.
CsehRafinOP12mo ago
hi Hey please help me Please delete this domain https://aad-securityexperts.cloudflareaccess.com/

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