why wouldn't this form submit button work?

Adding a form to a livewire component and have followed the docs exactly, but my form button doesn't submit:
<x-filament::modal slide-over id="create-payment" width="xl">
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::icon-button size="lg" icon="heroicon-o-currency-dollar" tooltip="Create payment" color="success" />

<form wire:submit="create">
{{ $this->form }}

<x-slot name="footer">
<x-filament::button type="submit" class="mt-2 " size="sm">

<button type="button" wire:click="$dispatch('close-modal', { id: 'create-payment'} )" class="self-end rounded-md bg-white mt-10 px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50">Close</button>
<x-filament-actions::modals />
<x-filament::modal slide-over id="create-payment" width="xl">
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::icon-button size="lg" icon="heroicon-o-currency-dollar" tooltip="Create payment" color="success" />

<form wire:submit="create">
{{ $this->form }}

<x-slot name="footer">
<x-filament::button type="submit" class="mt-2 " size="sm">

<button type="button" wire:click="$dispatch('close-modal', { id: 'create-payment'} )" class="self-end rounded-md bg-white mt-10 px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50">Close</button>
<x-filament-actions::modals />
There's nothing in the network tab indicating that a request is even sent.
just needed to add flex flex-col justify-between to my form and a wrapping div around my buttons and now it's working as expected.
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2 Replies
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP15mo ago
seems to be the footer slot. When I comment that out, it submits.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason15mo ago
just needed to add flex flex-col justify-between to my form and a wrapping div around my buttons and now it's working as expected.

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