ExecutedQuery data question

what do these attributes mean when it comes to planetscale? it's quite confusing
headers: string[];
types: Types;
rows: Row[];
fields: Field[];
size: number;
statement: string;
insertId: string;
rowsAffected: number;
time: number;
headers: string[];
types: Types;
rows: Row[];
fields: Field[];
size: number;
statement: string;
insertId: string;
rowsAffected: number;
time: number;
I assume time is how long the query took rowsAffected is that row read/row returned? rows I assume are the rows that were returned fields is assume are the table fields statment i assume is the raw SQL statement the others I have no clue
1 Reply
PAdventuresOP15mo ago
i cant see anything about this in the docs

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