Slack Notifications through existing Slack app

I'm trying to understand how the Novu <> Slack integration works beyond just adding a webhook to a Slack App. We already have a Slack App our customers use to interact with our app, and if I want to allow them to use this existing Slack App to either receive notifications directly to a user, or to a Slack channel the Slack App is already in (i.e. #app-notifications), I'm unsure if this is natively supported by Novu or if my application should handle the notification and then push it to our Slack app depending on the Novu configuration for that user and notification.
3 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
Hi @jonty Thanks for sharing the use case with us. Our current Slack implementation is based on the webhookUrl. In novu managed option, ffter adding slack integration in novu. we will give you a link that you can share with user. On clicking that link slack app will be installed in user's workspace While installing the slack app, it will ask to channel or individual user, novu will store webhook url for that channel/user and send notification
bigboy - RIP
bigboy - RIPOP15mo ago
Thanks @Pawan Jain - so if we wanted to send via our own Slack application we would use our App to trigger these notifications. To do that would I configure our App as a Chat provider?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
@jonty Yes, you will need to configure Slack integration with your slack app credentials

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