Invalid Redirect URI for Spotify authorization
I've had this app running locally just fine but upon trying to deploy the login authorization is throwing a 400 Bad Request and saying "{"error":"Bad Request","details":"An authentication error occurred while communicating with Spotify's Web API.\nDetails: invalid_grant Invalid redirect URI."}"
11 Replies
Project ID:
project id: ef987635-943c-471b-b185-cb7fa26305dc
I've triple checked that the redirect URI is properly configured on the Spotify Developer dashboard, is there some extra step I need to make this work for deployment?
what is the redirect uri you're trying to give to Spotify's api?
Breakup Jukebox
Jukebox interface for the Spotify API
show me how you've told Spotify that that's your uri
This is in my spotify developer dashboard
don't you also need to specify the callback path?
I didn't need to when running it locally, I just used http://localhost:3000 and that worked perfectly with my code
Does a callback path have to be set in order for it to work with that uri?
honestly I'm not sure, but these questions would more so be for Spotify than they would be questions for railway
Ok good to know! Thanks for the help