Unable to Connect RCON to Server from BattleMetrics website.

Using Port 5678 for RCON Using Port 28015 for Game Using Port 28016 for Query Copy pasting password so cannot be incorrect I have verified allowing all traffic from ANY to Server in Firewall. OS firewall disabled for testing purposes as of now. Able to direct connect to Server in-game. Able to telnet to port 5678 from my pc with success.
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5 Replies
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
Try using a short & more simple password, sometimes long & complicated passwords can cause failures. Also try testing with other RCON applications to verify it is working. Make sure firewall is on & output is allowed, Disabling firewalls doesn't disable them, they default block. You must have rules for incoming & outgoing.
Ducketts15mo ago
Which game?
paw_patrollerOP15mo ago
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
Did you try what I suggested already?
paw_patrollerOP15mo ago
Yes, I placed all the rules inboud/outbound on the firewalls and still was not working. I disabled all server firewalls and then allowed ANY->ANY on the network firewall and then it started working. There must be some port that it is trying to connect on that is not mentioned in documentation. I will have to run a wireshark trace to see what it is.

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