Error when executing a table on a custom page

Hello everybody. I created a custom page and included a table. But when I run this page it gives the following message: "Table [App\Filament\Pages\Relatorios\RelatorioListaImoveis] must have a [query()].". What is missing to display the table correctly on the page? Thanks
class RelatorioListaImoveis extends Page implements Tables\Contracts\HasTable
use LivewireAlert;

use InteractsWithTable;

protected static ?string $model = Imovel::class;

protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'fas-file-lines';

protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.relatorio-lista-imoveis';

public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Nome Fantasia')
->state(function (Imovel $record): string {
return $record->ativo == SimNaoEnum::SIM->value ? 'Sim' : 'Não';

public function getTableQuery(): Builder
return Imovel::query();
class RelatorioListaImoveis extends Page implements Tables\Contracts\HasTable
use LivewireAlert;

use InteractsWithTable;

protected static ?string $model = Imovel::class;

protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'fas-file-lines';

protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.relatorio-lista-imoveis';

public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->label('Nome Fantasia')
->state(function (Imovel $record): string {
return $record->ativo == SimNaoEnum::SIM->value ? 'Sim' : 'Não';

public function getTableQuery(): Builder
return Imovel::query();
2 Replies
diar14mo ago
Hey @joao nivaldo did you find the solution I got the same error?

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