Changing Brand Logo link

Hi all, I'm looking to change the link for the brand logo. I have noticed some older posts about this (V2.) The answers to these posts tell me I should change the link in the filament config. However, as of V3 it looks like this home_url variable no longer exists? I don't want the brand logo link to go to the panel, but to the home route, which is outside of any panel. Is there a way to achieve this in V3?
2 Replies
ChesterS16mo ago
do these help with what you're trying to do? Also, what do you mean which is outside of any panel. How would a panel affect anything outside of it?
Ramon.vVOP16mo ago
That's exactly it, I needed the homeUrl() function. Couldn't find anything about it in the current docs. I meant to say that my home route doesn't belong to a filament panel so I wanted the logo to link to '/', whereas my panels are '/admin' and '/user'. Thank you for the help!

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