ocbd fit and repair feasibility
I found very old OCBDs (there's two) that my dad wore in the basement and I'm curious on the feasibility of repairing them. Going to start with some pics of what needs to be repaired.
Thank you for any help!
14 Replies
Alterations wise, I think it needs to be darted and the sleeves need to be shortened and tapered a lil (not sure how that affects the repair picture)
Collar will be easy, sleeves not be. You would need some replacement fabric for the sleeves since they are just thread bare. Collar wont be seen so i would just darn it probably
Thank you! Do you know if shortening the sleeves will fix the issue?
I dont really know how sleeve shortening works so cant say unfortunately
Sleeve shortening usually involves removing the cuff, taking some length off the main sleeve, then reattaching it. So that frayed edge will still need dealing with.
Wait NVM I can take better fit pics
Very good to know, thank you!
The second ocbd is not as nice and larger so looks like it's only this one which is worth wearing
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visible mending is an option too and can look really great!
You could also embrace the frayed look and make it work with your outfit.
Really dependent on if you want the repairs to be visible or not. If it were me I'd darn or patch over both areas. Naritabby has always been my inspo for repairs, he has plenty of examples of both sleeve and collar repairs. https://www.instagram.com/naritabby/?hl=en
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I think visible mending for OCBDs is great like in the NB post and he also shows on IG
Thank you all so much for the help!
Visible mending is a cool idea
I also realized the shirt is useful for wearing under a sweater