Filament16mo ago

Modifying details

Hey everyone, I have to add some modifications here and there, for which I didn't find a way to do in hooks these are the files:
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/sidebar/index.blade.php - changing a class "<header class="fi-sidebar-header flex h-16 items-center header-bg"
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/topbar/index.blade.php - changing some classes as above

vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/header/simple.blade.php - adding 2 classes to "@if ($logo) <div class="mb-4 flex justify-center header-bg p-4">"
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/layout/base.blade.php - adding "@vite(['resources/css/custom.css'])" for those classes from above

vendor/filament/filament/src/Pages/Auth/EditProfile.php - adding "->disabledOn('edit')"
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/sidebar/index.blade.php - changing a class "<header class="fi-sidebar-header flex h-16 items-center header-bg"
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/topbar/index.blade.php - changing some classes as above

vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/header/simple.blade.php - adding 2 classes to "@if ($logo) <div class="mb-4 flex justify-center header-bg p-4">"
vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/layout/base.blade.php - adding "@vite(['resources/css/custom.css'])" for those classes from above

vendor/filament/filament/src/Pages/Auth/EditProfile.php - adding "->disabledOn('edit')"
I don't seem to find a nice way to do that. is it possible to publish those files? Thank you!
Since these are mostly CSS alterations, does the bare-bones way of css element targeting work? ie: add custom CSS styling to target a specific element. A basic example: .fi-sidebar-header { background-color:red; } You could add those to get compiled in via vite or add them into panel styling via the panels::styles.after lifecycle hook. Without seeing what exactly you changed "from" and "to" in the files you mentioned, it's hard to make more specific recommendations....
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3 Replies
DrByte16mo ago
Since these are mostly CSS alterations, does the bare-bones way of css element targeting work? ie: add custom CSS styling to target a specific element. A basic example: .fi-sidebar-header { background-color:red; } You could add those to get compiled in via vite or add them into panel styling via the panels::styles.after lifecycle hook. Without seeing what exactly you changed "from" and "to" in the files you mentioned, it's hard to make more specific recommendations.
DrByte16mo ago
It's generally not ideal to publish vendor-specific files, as they may need to be changed between releases, and then you'd be missing those changes in your app unless you re-check every time you pull down updates.
SergiuOP16mo ago
you were right, today with a fresh brain I changed it, thank you

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