Railwayβ€’8mo ago

Updating the Clickhouse config.xml file of the Plausible template

I'm playing around with the config.xml file at the moment so that the ClickHouse database uses even less memory (or trying to at least) But when i push the changes and railway starts to deploy again it says this in the logs:
/entrypoint.sh: create new user 'default' instead 'default'

ClickHouse Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
/entrypoint.sh: create new user 'default' instead 'default'

ClickHouse Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
Does anyone know how to get past this bug? I dont want to drop the database as its not a good long term strategy if one of my projects needs a faster or slower clickhouse configuration.
16 Replies
Percyβ€’8mo ago
Project ID: 911f6022-85a9-4d27-9039-fd35d227cfba
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
911f6022-85a9-4d27-9039-fd35d227cfba Im using this template https://railway.app/template/mzYEXO
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
that doesn't look like an error message, does the database not work after the re-deploy?
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
No it crashes the clickhouse database because of something, i think its those 2 messages Im gonna try your umami template i think, seems to use less services, thus also less memory hopefully
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
interesting, I'm going to have to pull in the template's creator but first, can you share a link to your repo where you've modified the XML config?
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
I think i will try out the umami template instead, https://railway.app/template/umami-analytics Im not sure what variables i have to set for credentials or where i have to create an account, i just get a login page https://umami-production-6c43.up.railway.app/login
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
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ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
Last updated 2022, is it still up to date? Or no, created on april 19 2022
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
Oh damn lol I didnt see that before
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
it wasnt there before
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
Ah alright, i was already questioning my reading capabilities πŸ€“
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
though it was in umami's docs
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
I also have a problem with the data viewer
No description
ElGatoβ€’8mo ago
I tried the trick PGPASSWORD={{your_password}} psql -h postgres.railway.internal -U postgres -p 5432 -d railway
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
the data viewer relies on a public connection to the database, read the notes again πŸ˜‰ but i also didnt include the proper variables that the data tab needs, i do not belive the data tab should be used. and no matter what, you would not be able to run this command locally with the internal domain
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