After upgrade filament to 3.1.9 problems
I upgrade to filament 3.1.9 all filament packages and star have problems.
Alpine Expression Error: watch is not defined
Expression: "function(){this.$wire.$on("deselectAllTableRecords",()=>this.deselectAllRecords()),this.$watch("selectedRecords",()=>{if(!this.shouldCheckUniqueSelection){this.shouldCheckUniqueSelection=!0;return}this.selectedRecords=[ Set(this.selectedRecords)],this.shouldCheckUniqueSelection=!1})}"
9 Replies
upgraded to 3.1.9 from what? 2? 1? 3.x?
Possible from 3.1.8 or near it? I do a composer update for new, many days working with not problema with 3.1 versions
Run php artisan filament:upgrade to ensure all css/js was upgraded
And check if you have any filament views published.
I try wat you say and not working. I update from versión 3.0.97 that is working correctly
I dont' know if it is more a problem with livewire 3.2.4 because it say Uncaught ReferenceError: watch is not defined
I am seeing this too, will check back a version
reported on livewire
3.2.4 may be broken in Filament · livewire livewire · Discussion #7...
Livewire version 3.2.4 Which PHP version are you using? PHP 8.2 Repository URL No response Steps To Reproduce Upgrade your filament project to Livewire 3.2.4 Open any page, see a ReferenceError: wa...
It's a livewire bug
this should be fixed soon.
New livewire versión 3.2.5 published, but after upgrade some other problems appear wiht tabs on filament, checking if is my problem.
Possible another bug on line 29 in file vendor/filament/forms/resoirces/views/components/tabs.blade.php. line show '''let const = this.getTabs()''' I think here is a problem using worj const. Sorry I dont have more knowledge.