Non comma Separated CSV Import

I'm having issues with CSV imports, when the csv data is separated by semicolons. The columns are not recognised correctly. When i save the CSV with comma separators it works perfectly fine. Can I somehow change the separator settings in Import?
16 Replies
igorclaussOP14mo ago
Still searching for a solution squint
nobidium14mo ago
Have you tried casting the data before passing it to rules?
igorclaussOP14mo ago
I did. My issue is that the importer don't even recognizes the headers. It shows all of them in a list with semicolons.
DrByte14mo ago
Csv character controls - CSV
Working with CSV can often be much more difficult than you expect, with different types of delimiters and complicated structures. This library makes it easy to read and write almost anything.
filament/packages/actions/src/Concerns/CanImportRecords.php at ff6e...
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament
igorclaussOP14mo ago
Then it's time to create a pull request.
DrByte14mo ago
Excellent. I noticed that there are 3 places in that class where it would need to be implemented, for the 3 different ways the importer gets instantiated
igorclaussOP14mo ago
I failed on a dynamic solution. I ended up overwriting the CanImportRecords trait and created my own ImportAction. Within first I changed the code on those three places by adding ->setDelimiter(';') calls. It works for me now. Tough I dislike this solution a little bit.
DrByte14mo ago
Here's my proposed changes:
protected string | Closure | null $csvDelimiter = null;

// 3 instances of this for Readers:

if (filled($delimiter = $this->getDelimiter())) {

// 1 of this, for Writer:

if (filled($delimiter = $this->getDelimiter())) {

// to allow calling ->delimiter(';') for semicolon (for example)

public function delimiter(string | Closure | null $delimiter): static
$this->csvDelimiter = $delimiter;

return $this;

// and internal parser for it:

public function getDelimiter(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->csvDelimiter);
protected string | Closure | null $csvDelimiter = null;

// 3 instances of this for Readers:

if (filled($delimiter = $this->getDelimiter())) {

// 1 of this, for Writer:

if (filled($delimiter = $this->getDelimiter())) {

// to allow calling ->delimiter(';') for semicolon (for example)

public function delimiter(string | Closure | null $delimiter): static
$this->csvDelimiter = $delimiter;

return $this;

// and internal parser for it:

public function getDelimiter(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->csvDelimiter);
DrByte14mo ago
Here's a gist to test it with. Curious your feedback @igorclauss
draft: filament csv import delimiter
draft: filament csv import delimiter. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
DrByte14mo ago
To use: pass ->delimiter(';') to your importer
igorclaussOP14mo ago
Awesome, 👍
DrByte14mo ago
same as you would for maxRows or other params
igorclaussOP14mo ago
That's how I fixed it for me. But I did it in the trait itself I thought there must be a way to guess the delimiter. Because we have the csv file...
DrByte14mo ago
Ya I read somewhere that it may try to guess it on its own, but I couldn't see "where" it did that. So, figure, if someone "needs" to specify it, this will let them. ... without having to clone the entire trait and edit it 🙂
DrByte14mo ago
PR submitted. Feel free to add your test results in comments:
Add ability to specify ->delimiter(char) for CSV separator by drbyt...
Ref: League CSV docs Ref: Filament Discord discussion Changes have been thoroughly tested to not break existing functionality. New functionality has been documented or existing documentation has...
igorclaussOP14mo ago
I haven't found the guessing either. But League csv definitely has a method for that, haven't they? I found this solution:
$csvReader = CsvReader::createFromStream($csvStream);
$delimiter = $this->guessDelimiter($csvReader);

* @return string
public function guessDelimiter(CsvReader $csvReader, array $set = [], int $limit = 20): string
if (empty($set)) {
$set = [';', ',', '|', "\t"];

$delimiterCounts = Info::getDelimiterStats($csvReader, $set, $limit);

// get the delimiter by the highest count of appearances
return array_search(max($delimiterCounts), $delimiterCounts);
$csvReader = CsvReader::createFromStream($csvStream);
$delimiter = $this->guessDelimiter($csvReader);

* @return string
public function guessDelimiter(CsvReader $csvReader, array $set = [], int $limit = 20): string
if (empty($set)) {
$set = [';', ',', '|', "\t"];

$delimiterCounts = Info::getDelimiterStats($csvReader, $set, $limit);

// get the delimiter by the highest count of appearances
return array_search(max($delimiterCounts), $delimiterCounts);
It was merged right next to your solution. Great work and thanks for the inspiration.

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