Railway•8mo ago

$PORT inconsistently being provided? race condition?

https://railway.app/project/e83cd241-4a9f-417c-9151-eee7ac5d0788/service/62746785-6a46-421e-9422-efd3d7ff869e?id=4c357709-dac5-4cb5-9ada-298507b28d2b Run code w/ two start commands npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT ^-- errors with RangeError: options.port should be >= 0 and < 65536. Received type number (NaN). echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT ^-- succeeds
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Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
28 Replies
Percy•8mo ago
Project ID: e83cd241-4a9f-417c-9151-eee7ac5d0788,62746785-6a46-421e-9422-efd3d7ff869e,4c357709-dac5-4cb5-9ada-298507b28d2b
Fragly•8mo ago
The PORT your app runs on changes between deployments if you want it to be static then you can manually set the PORT service variable to the port your app needs to run on
demo•8mo ago
I pass $PORT to the start command which should be provided by railway right?
Fragly•8mo ago
yea keep in mind, it's not available during build
demo•8mo ago
it's available during start command run time? or is that still considered build?
Fragly•8mo ago
🤔 I'm not sure the dockerfile calls the start command at the end so i'm not sure whether it's considered part of build or not
demo•8mo ago
i had also tried to use this from the railway docs
No description
demo•8mo ago
it "didn't work" where i put it in quotes because the deploy success is fuzzy already
Fragly•8mo ago
I'd say try setting a static PORT and use that where you need it, see if it works if it does then I guess it's not available then, if it doesn't work then something else is the problem
Brody•8mo ago
the auto generated PORT is not available at build time, if you need PORT to be available during build time, set a static PORT service variable like fragly said
demo•8mo ago
sounds good, I will do that going forward. for curiosity, why does my deploy sometimes still work? Sometimes PORT is available at build time
Brody•8mo ago
its not available at build time, i dont know how it could work, unless youve specified something somewhere
demo•8mo ago
i've already updated my config to now manually provide port but I was able to a successful minimum recreation of start server $PORT that correctly catches the railway specified port. I feel inclined to chalk it up to magic but behavior just seemed so odd to me
Brody•8mo ago
yes the auto generated PORT is available at runtime
demo•8mo ago
bumping this then
Brody•8mo ago
the start command is runtime though, something that came to mind, the start command field in the service settings is ran in exec mode and therefore does not do variable expansion
demo•8mo ago
oh now that is something i did do something with railway.toml when you say service settings do you mean either the GUI or railway.toml? or only one of the two? or other
Brody•8mo ago
demo•8mo ago
TLDR: dockerfile issue ok i've constructed two pretty much identical directories.
diff quartz quartz2
Common subdirectories: quartz/content and quartz2/content
Common subdirectories: quartz/docs and quartz2/docs
Common subdirectories: quartz/.git and quartz2/.git
Common subdirectories: quartz/.github and quartz2/.github
Common subdirectories: quartz/node_modules and quartz2/node_modules
Common subdirectories: quartz/public and quartz2/public
Common subdirectories: quartz/quartz and quartz2/quartz
diff quartz quartz2
Common subdirectories: quartz/content and quartz2/content
Common subdirectories: quartz/docs and quartz2/docs
Common subdirectories: quartz/.git and quartz2/.git
Common subdirectories: quartz/.github and quartz2/.github
Common subdirectories: quartz/node_modules and quartz2/node_modules
Common subdirectories: quartz/public and quartz2/public
Common subdirectories: quartz/quartz and quartz2/quartz
I am going to up one then up the other using a couple methods. Trial 1: quartz, CMD in Dockerfile, providing GUI start command, deploy triggered by github commit Start command: echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Result: Failure Deploy output: port$PORT (env var not expanded) Trial 2: quartz, CMD in Dockerfile, providing GUI start command, deploy triggered by railway up Start command: echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Result: Failure Deploy output: port$PORT (env var not expanded) Trial 3: quartz2, CMD in Dockerfile, providing GUI start command, deploy triggered by railway up Start command: echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Result: Failure Deploy output: None (the build completed successfully) Note: This identical configuration was the one that worked prior to trial 1. Trial 4: replication of Trial 3 but I modify Dockerfile labels so railway can't cache anything, railway up Start command: echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Result: Failure Deploy output: port$PORT (env var not expanded) Note: Changing docker label has caused the deploy output to change. I am not familiar with docker but I don't think this should happen? Trial 5: removing the GUI start command, railway up Dockerfile CMD: CMD ["npx", "quartz", "build", "--serve", "--port", "$PORT"] Result: Failure Deploy output: RangeError: options.port should be >= 0 and < 65536. Received type number (NaN). Note: I am manually providing the $PORT env variable. I did not revert the docker label change. Trial 6: revert docker label change, railway up Same outputs as trial 5. This is expected. Trial 7: quartz, deploy via github commit This trial is going back the the "original" directory Same outputs as trial 5 and 6. Now I am going to re-introduce the GUI start command as npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT
demo•8mo ago
Trial 8: quartz, no more Dockerfile CMD, github deploy Same outputs as trials 5,6,7 Trial 9: quartz2, no more Dockerfile CMD, railway up Same I will now introduct an echo statement into the GUI start command. The final start command will be echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Trial 10: automatic redeploy due to changing config, automatically sourcing from github repo This deploy is hanging in the build phase? I am aborting @ 2 minutes initializing Trial 11: kill stuck deploy, railway up from quartz Start command: echo 'port'$PORT && npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Result: Failure Deploy output: port$PORT (env var not expanded) Trial 12: reintroduce the Dockerfile CMD I don't expect this to do anything. the start command should trump this? Result: Failure Deploy output: None Trial 12: quartz2, reintroduce Dockerfile CMD Result: Failure Deploy output: port$PORT (env var not expanded) I will now delete the service&project and reconstruct it from quartz2. Trial 13: quartz2, no $PORT env variable, no start command RangeError: options.port should be >= 0 and < 65536. Received type number (NaN). Trial 14: define PORT in railway variables, automatic redeploy due to changing config Error: No start command could be found Not sure what is going on here. CMD is defined in the dockerfile still Trial 15: change Dockerfile CMD CMD ["npx", "quartz", "build", "--serve"] I have removed the explicit port specification Result: Success, server is live. default port Is this because $PORT is not expanding in the dockerfile?? Trial 16: change dockerfile CMD CMD npx quartz build --serve --port $PORT Inspired by: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40454758 Result: Success, I will now remove my manually specified $PORT Trial 17: removing $PORT, autodeploy Error: No start command could be found this is kinda annoying Trial 18: doing railway up again Result: Success Dockerfile expanded port correctly Trial 19: using this information... Let's connect to my git repo again with the correct dockerfile command. I made two changes here. back to quartz (not quartz2) directory, deploy from github Result: Success
Stack Overflow
How can I use a variable inside a Dockerfile CMD?
Inside my Dockerfile: ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"] Error: CommandError: '$PROJECTNAME' is not a valid project name What is the quickest
demo•8mo ago
Conclusion: don't mess up Dockerfile expands lol
Brody•8mo ago
yep no variable expansion with exec mode
demo•8mo ago
secondary comment: CLI up'd repos that provide no start command and only a Dockerfile will fail to redeploy when changing configuration due to "no start command could be found" yeah im just being punished by never really using docker
Brody•8mo ago
known bug, railways auto redeploy will deploy some very old deployment
demo•8mo ago
Brody•8mo ago
demo•8mo ago
already saved haha, saw you sent in a diff thread earlier
Brody•8mo ago
haha awsome