Global search on 1.5 mil records.

I have a mysql database with 1.5 million records in a table. When implementing a global search in filamentphp and checking the query it uses something like
select * from table where column like '%value%'
select * from table where column like '%value%'
and that causes mysql not to use indexes and the query takes 3.7 seconds on average. Is there a way to turn that functionality off either in Laravel or Filamentphp? I would be fine with
select * from table where column like 'value%'
select * from table where column like 'value%'
which would use indexes and the query takes < 100ms. OR is there a better solution for this?
1 Reply
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
There should be methods to modify the global search query. Also you can swap the entire global search provider to use your own solution

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