After adding my card at the end of my trial period, services are not restored.

I got an email warning me I have used my 100% of my trial credits. My database and backend site were stopped. I proceeded to add my credit card and subscribe to the Hobby plan. But the backend app is still non-functional. What could be the problem? Is there anything I have to do or just wait for server replication? Thanks. Project 012c9fb1-a65a-4cff-918c-a51a7aab9f3f
14 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: 012c9fb1-a65a-4cff-918c-a51a7aab9f3f
Brody8mo ago
have you restarted your deployment? it would be best to use this tool
melendrez.dev8mo ago
My backend app consists of 1 MySQL database, a rest api and an assets server that generates some files locally. If I redploy the last one all generated files will be wiped, and I need them.
Brody8mo ago
did you store the files on a volume
melendrez.dev8mo ago
It was a bad implementation I'm fixing with your suggestion you made some days ago about going with S3 for those files.
Brody8mo ago
ah s3 is good too
melendrez.dev8mo ago
No, they are generated locally in the server.
Brody8mo ago
yeah s3 or volume is what you want to do, if you stored your images in the ephemeral container storage there is no way to persist those images between deployments unless you already have a way to download them
melendrez.dev8mo ago
Exactly. So that's the problem I have. If I cannot restart that server I will not be able to make that server to serve me those files. And I lost them.
Brody8mo ago
this is an unfortunate predicament for sure, but unless you have a way to download them you have to just bite the bullet and redeploy
melendrez.dev8mo ago
Actually I managed to get the files up to yesterday and a datbase backup. But today's work seems to be lost.
Brody8mo ago
sorry to hear that, it is ephemeral though
melendrez.dev8mo ago
Thank you anyway.
Brody8mo ago
no problem