Update docker image version (for example n8n)
I have installed the template n8n, and the primary service is using the image n8nio/n8n:latest.
How can I update the docker image on railway when they push a new version?
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unfortunately railway has no way (currently) to check for a new release of an image, that's a manual process, but when you do identity that there's a new image available (and you're on the latest tag) all you need to do is redeploy the service, that can be done from within the 3 dot menu of the latest deployment
related question. what happens when the docker:latest is newer version with breaking changes? thinking of postgresql updates for example.
then stuff breaks lol
not too much railway can do about that unfortunatly
😅 got it.
not a good default then for DB services to use :latest images.
fair enough
Is there a way to fix the tag? or example use n8nio/n8n:1.19.4 instead of n8nio/n8n:latest ?
Same question for the standard Postgres/Mongo images used for the databases
for changing the tag i use this https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/image-deploy/ just note this will auto deploy the new set tag