Compose Alternatives

I understand Railway does not currently support Docker Compose files directly. Are there alternatives to hosting a complex Compose stack on Railway using e.g. Railway config ( or similar, or is it best to look for another cloud provider for a Compose stack? Basically, curious about alternatives that don't involve manually creating a lot of Railway services based on individual docker images 1 by 1
7 Replies
Percy12mo ago
Project ID: N/A
bc 🐧🪺
bc 🐧🪺OP12mo ago
Brody12mo ago
railway has no alternative, its unfortunately like you said, you have to manually create services yourself
bc 🐧🪺
bc 🐧🪺OP12mo ago
Got it, thanks Brody! I will use another platform for now
Brody12mo ago
well there are templates, but that still means you need to do the setup at least once understandable, but if you dont mind, what infra did you hope to deploy with compose?
bc 🐧🪺
bc 🐧🪺OP12mo ago
Just a mix of things that aren't community templates yet, like penpot and rocketpool. But we also use K8s at my org so I can just convert the compose manifests to K8s manifests/helm charts/etc for now and swing back later when compose is supported!
Brody12mo ago
its unlikely for railway to natively support compose, its in the works and its just an abstraction layer and is unlikely to work with complex compose files, so yeah railway isnt what you want for this usecase 😦
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