MongoDB crashes on deploy
Getting this error when MongoDB attempts to deploy, I haven’t had any issues with the database until now
15 Replies
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It says diagnostic data is detected but I have no idea how to access it
@jr - mongodb crashing
@Pixel hey! i'm not able to reproduce in my own project.. what happens if you redeploy? (click the 3 dots next to the failed deployment and choose Redeploy)
Crashes upon redeploy, thing is I destroyed the MongoDB service (without the volume) and reattached the volume to a new service and the error still occurs
Mongosh into the service doesn't seem to work either
Thing is this started happening right after the downtime was over so I'm assuming it's because my service went offline unexpectedly and now the data is corrupted somehow?
Even using the repair parameter doesn't work
ahh dang okay, so perhaps the service went down when some writes were in-flight and led to corruption. i can try to dig in, but curious about the data on the volume, sounds like you're trying to save it and want to avoid a clean deploy with a new volume?
Yeah, pretty much.
definitely not ideal and not a solution, but figured i'd ask
I believe the solution I found online was to delete the lockfile, however Railway doesn't offer support for S/FTP into a volume or a service so that's not an option.
no, we don't have anything like that atm, but we're hearing it quite a bit so it's top of mind. i can try some behind the scenes finagling
Is there possibly a service template that I can use that acts like a file browser? Like a node-based file tree or something
I can probably move the volume to an empty service and see what I can work with
oh yeah Brody actually has one published -
Great. Thanks.