Modal Action with Custom Livewire component

Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue with an action in a custom Livewire component. Upon clicking a button, a modal opens with a file uploader inside. Everything seems to be working correctly, but I just can't figure out why the "->action(//mycode....)" method doesn't seem to be triggered upon confirming the action. In fact, upon submitting the modal, I'm redirected back with a 'Saved' success notification. How is it possible that my dd($data) isn't being triggered? What am I missing? Livewire Controller:
class CreateOpenFundsD extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithActions;
use InteractsWithForms;
use WithFileUploads;

public function mount(): void

public function form(Form $form): Form
//Only half of my form... (the other one is rendered in the livwire component view)

public function importHeadersAction(): Action
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')
->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
->action(function ($data) {
dd($data); //how this method is not triggered?

class CreateOpenFundsD extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithActions;
use InteractsWithForms;
use WithFileUploads;

public function mount(): void

public function form(Form $form): Form
//Only half of my form... (the other one is rendered in the livwire component view)

public function importHeadersAction(): Action
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')
->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
->action(function ($data) {
dd($data); //how this method is not triggered?

Livewire view:
<form wire:submit="createOrUpdate">
{{ $this->form }}

{{ $this->importHeaders }}

<x-filament-actions::modals />

//other things.....
<form wire:submit="createOrUpdate">
{{ $this->form }}

{{ $this->importHeaders }}

<x-filament-actions::modals />

//other things.....
Thanks to anyone will help! Bye 🙂
20 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
You added the action inside the form and the button submit the form. Try moving the modals component out of the form.
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
It's working outside the form, but can't understand why the validation is failing:
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SirAlyonOP16mo ago
And why the filament buttons are rendered with a animated spinner?! xD Actually the validation was fine before moving it into the modal I have the same code inside my form and not rendered into the modal and its working fine :/
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
As you can see the first button is the newer, it trigger the modal and now it is OUTSIDE the form. The second one is inside the form and its working! (i cant let you see, but when i click the second button, it do what it should)
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Are you sure it’s working? Or is the validation just not triggered?
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Hi, i finally found the problem: if i dump $value of the FileUpload i can see livewire read all files mime type as "application/octet-stream", but obv they are not. I did something like:
->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv','text/plain', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
function () {
return function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
// Aggiungi qui la tua logica di validazione per il file
// Ad esempio, puoi controllare il tipo di file o altre proprietà
//dd('sono dentro');
if ($value instanceof UploadedFile && $value->extension() !== 'csv' && $value->extension() !== 'xlsx' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/csv' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/plain' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') {
$fail('Il file deve essere di tipo CSV o XLSX.');
->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv','text/plain', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
function () {
return function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
// Aggiungi qui la tua logica di validazione per il file
// Ad esempio, puoi controllare il tipo di file o altre proprietà
//dd('sono dentro');
if ($value instanceof UploadedFile && $value->extension() !== 'csv' && $value->extension() !== 'xlsx' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/csv' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/plain' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') {
$fail('Il file deve essere di tipo CSV o XLSX.');
So using "$value->getMimeType()" i get the right mime type and i can usccessfully validate the input. Maybe you know why the filament blade component render with an animated spinner? How can i remove it? Anyway i'll soon close this thread as solved. Thank you
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Animated spinner is default for everything that takes a while. But double spinner looks like an issue 😅
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Yes 🥲 Actually as you can see in the first screen, i have the spinner also on the buttons that are not loading.. So probably the issue is it is always visibile, and that's why i got 2 spinners while the fileupload is loading(?)
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Def something is wrong, i can add an icon:
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')
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SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Any ideas to fix this issue are appreciated 🙂
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Sorry, I don't really know. Any console errors?
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
I get this one only if i open the modal and close it, if i submit all seems to be ok
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Might be related
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Anyway its 100% a modal issue because the same code i have inside the form is working fine without the spinners issue
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Actually for me is impossible to debug
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SirAlyonOP16mo ago
I'm not setting any type of label or form (the modal doesnt contain a form, just simple input)
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
just simple input
Which is inside a form
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Ye you are right. I set the label method on the FileUplaod component and in the modal too with filament, i can't understand what is wrong.
public function importHeadersAction(): Action
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')

->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv','text/plain', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
function () {
return function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
// Aggiungi qui la tua logica di validazione per il file
// Ad esempio, puoi controllare il tipo di file o altre proprietà
//dd('sono dentro');
if ($value instanceof UploadedFile && $value->extension() !== 'csv' && $value->extension() !== 'xlsx' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/csv' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/plain' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') {
$fail('Il file deve essere di tipo CSV o XLSX.');

->action(function ($data) {

public function importHeadersAction(): Action
return Action::make('importHeaders')
->label('Importa Headers')

->label('Carica File (CSV o XLSX)')
->acceptedFileTypes(['text/csv','text/plain', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'])
function () {
return function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
// Aggiungi qui la tua logica di validazione per il file
// Ad esempio, puoi controllare il tipo di file o altre proprietà
//dd('sono dentro');
if ($value instanceof UploadedFile && $value->extension() !== 'csv' && $value->extension() !== 'xlsx' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/csv' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'text/plain' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/' && $value->getMimeType() !== 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') {
$fail('Il file deve essere di tipo CSV o XLSX.');

->action(function ($data) {

And also, if this fileupload is inside a form, why it is triggering the other one if i put the action inside the other form.. So strange behavior
SirAlyonOP16mo ago
Issues · filamentphp/filament
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - Issues · filamentphp/filament
Page's Action modal form with FileUpload field · Issue #2772 · fila...
Package filament/filament Package Version v2.12.31 Laravel Version v9.17.0 Livewire Version v2.10.5 PHP Version PHP 8 Bug description I am using an action within ListRecord's page to import fil...

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