Egress Cost extremely high for an unknown reason.
Hey Everyone, Last night I was sent an email that really got me confused. My bill is now 10x what it typically is, and when i go to see what is wrong It is because my egress amount is extremely high. I've never had this issue before, and I located the issue towards a new MongoDb instance I started up recently.
Why would this be the case, I'm genuinely confused as although it is the v2 version of the plugin (while my other ones are still v1) nothing else is generating this amount.
Project ID: d85c46f1-95b1-4893-b2eb-d550f2c02b32
7 Replies
Project ID:
Here's why your egress is suddenly so high
Why it's high in your case is because a lot of data is probably sent from your railway server to your MongoDB database, causing egress
If you use a MongoDB database that's in your railway project then you can use private networking which doesn't count towards your egress, you can read more here
if you are using a railway provided db and your db is the cause for concern then it could be that you're still using legacy databases, in which case you need to migrate to v2, more info on that here
if you're using the v2 databases on railway through private networking then it's possible your egress is high for other reasons, you can expect high egress if you're hosting something like a file sharing app
Ah I see, i remember seeing something about billing changes but couldnt find it anywhere. Thank you <:PES_BlankieThumbsUp:585724566404595713>
Happy to help :)
beautiful answer fragly
Thank you >:)