Hello everyone, currently, I have a service hosted on Railways that retrieves information from a database each time it is requested from a route on my website. The current price is $0.65, with myself being the only person who accessed the site throughout the month for development purposes. When I deploy it and more people visit my website, will this fee increase? If so, could someone provide an example of the price difference?
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Railway has no set price per request 🤔
How much it costs for X amount users mostly depends on your app
Things like egress, volume storage etc would obviously grow based on your userbase but by how much depends on your app, so it's impossible for me to say
If you're hosting a file sharing site then you can expect a large amount of volume storage cost and a large amount of egress cost per user, and the cost will substantially grow as you increase in users
but if you're hosting an API that just sends you the wordle answer every day, then that'll basically cost you nothing and having more users won't really change your pricing all that much ( relatively speaking )
What does your app do?
My app functions as an e-commerce platform, displaying available products and prices to users. Upon entering the page, each user makes one API request. The API executes a query on a mysql server and retrieves all available products. That's the workflow of my app
I doubt it'll increase by too much, unless you expect a ton of concurrent users, like in the hundreds or even thousands
it's not possible for me to give an accurate estimation of cost though