How to perform tests with backed enums

1. $casts is set
protected $casts = [
'name' => EnumsRole::class,
protected $casts = [
'name' => EnumsRole::class,
2. The enum, in this case, does not implement hasLabel.
enum Role: string
case FOO = 'foo';
case BAR= 'bar';
enum Role: string
case FOO = 'foo';
case BAR= 'bar';
3. The test
->assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet('name', $record->name, record: $record); // Object of class App\Enums\Role could not be converted to string

->assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet('name', $record->name->value, record: $record); // Failed asserting that a table column with name [name] has a formatted state of [foo] for recordto string
->assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet('name', $record->name, record: $record); // Object of class App\Enums\Role could not be converted to string

->assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet('name', $record->name->value, record: $record); // Failed asserting that a table column with name [name] has a formatted state of [foo] for recordto string
4. if I use assertTableColumnStateSet, the errors are exactly the same. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?
4 Replies
GuatashiOP16mo ago
Someone can help me?
DrByte16mo ago
The enum, in this case, does not implement hasLabel
Why not?
GuatashiOP16mo ago
I think your question is the answer I was looking for. Implementing hasLabel solved the problem and now I just need to use
Thank you very much!
DrByte16mo ago
Great! Don't forget to Mark the solution, so this thread shows as resolved. Right-click on the post that you want to mark, choose Apps, and MarkSolution.

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