Problems using JSON from Repeater and saving in mysql
I followed the documentation to use Repeater but was unsuccessful.
Below is a printout of the code snippet!
In mysql the columns are in JSON.

18 Replies
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Leandro, I attached a printout of the code.

It's very disorganized if you send it here. Look:
I believe the error is not in the code. Maybe there's something missing that I missed.
In the database, the column is already formatted for JSON.
não é que fica desorganizado, é que vc nao formatou o código pra inserir aqui, e nem adicionou a tag php no markdown
O nome do seu repeater na verdade tem que ser a sua coluna... vc está declarando um repeater sem nome
So in the repeater I add the column name and in TextInput the name of my json variable?
Column: 'Product'
Something like?
If you could show me how to format it, please, next time I won't make the same mistake 😅
copia exatamente como está no item 4
Beauty, thanks
I put the name of the column in the Repeater and any names in the textinput. But it did not work.
Do these names need to be real in the database?
qual o nome da sua coluna no banco de dados?
It's for JSON
também né?yess
I found the error, thanks for the help.
The mount() function was not configured to show json columns.
Add the mount() function to convert to array and it worked.
Hey guys, it's nice that you get personal help, but not everybody speaks your language.
Hey friend, you're right! I will put my lines in English!!