How do I find plugins which I've starred? ⭐
I'm referring to the Filament website under the Plugins page. I just went through them all, and starred the ones I want to use on my project. But now I can't find them again!
Maybe I'm missing something? Hopefully there's a list somewhere...
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Sorry, there isn’t one. Would be an interesting filter though. „Starred Plugins“. Not sure whether we store the relation to the user though or just the count.
6 Replies
Sorry, there isn’t one. Would be an interesting filter though. „Starred Plugins“. Not sure whether we store the relation to the user though or just the count.
We track stars based on IP, so it wouldn't be permanent anyway
we'd need an account system to do it properly, and I am hesitant
(login with github) maybe?
feels overkill, but maybe in the future
stars as a feature are just meant to show plugin popularity right now
not really serve as a way to track which plugins you like
well you can always open the plugin on github and star it there?
Save in bookmark?