Querying table based on a field of a related table

Hey everyone, I have no idea what im doing wrong, but the goal here is to get every subscription which its related plan, has the spaceId field according to an input. Here's what I got after reading the docs: const subscriptions = await ctx.db.query.subscriptions.findMany({ with: { plan: { where: (plan, { eq }) => eq(plans.spaceId, input.spaceId), }, }, }); Typescript is complaining on the "where" , saying I can't use it here. I saw a very similar example on the docs: await db.query.posts.findMany({ where: (posts, { eq }) => (eq(posts.id, 1)), with: { comments: { where: (comments, { lt }) => lt(comments.createdAt, new Date()), }, }, }); The only difference is the type of relation, where in my case subscription has a relation with one plan, and the example on the docs the posts have a relation of many comments. Should I be querying for plans and filtering the subscriptions from there? Doesn't feel right when in fact what I want is the subscriptions.
1 Reply
Angelelz16mo ago
This query doesn't seem correct. If you include a where on a one relation, the return should be null. You should only have one plan for that subscription. And if you filter that plan then you might get a null If you want to filter the subscription based on the value of the plan, then one way to do it is how you described it Another way is with a subquery

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