Ive noticed a small problem on servers

past my vanilla render distance there is a gap before lods are made
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Humam43278mo ago
Alr @Jtrillo is there a way i can check what the server render distance is ? also i am using farsight to assist dh As dh doesn’t seem to work well on servers without it I manually turned down the render distance, but a 6 chunk vanilla render distance does not look good, especially with everything under the water gone
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Farsight and DH dont work well together
Humam43278mo ago
o so how do i get dh to work better on servers
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Remove Farsight What do you mean with work better
Humam43278mo ago
when i am far from something it starts to look a bit glitchy Fixed after i added farsight
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Glitchy in what way?
Humam43278mo ago
Ok gimmi a sec to grab a screenshot ok it looks like its fixed on hypixel I enabled the multiverse required simularity Alr lemmi go to the other server It would generate what looked like low quality lod’s from some other part of the world beyond my render distance This fixed that ig With farsight gone, distant chunks on servers that are past my render distance are not generating at all Probably because it removed the stored chunk data Yea idk whats goin on
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Yeah thats normal The server doesnt send that info to you so DH cant make LODs there When on multiplayer, DH will only make LODs of the chunks you visit
Humam43278mo ago
Ok so if i leave the server, that chunk data is lost im assuming whereas with farsight, it saved that data
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
No The LODs are stored on your pc
Humam43278mo ago
Those chunks are ones i had visited And they are not there now
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
You were using Farsight at the time of making that screenshot right?
Humam43278mo ago
Yep So i should travel back there and check
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Usually farsight causes that bug
Humam43278mo ago
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
What you saw in that ss was chunks not being rendered instead of them just not being saved
Humam43278mo ago
ok so if i visit the chunks again it should render properly ?
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
If you restart without Farsight they should render fine If not then its another mod interfering with DHs rendering
Humam43278mo ago
alright, ill take a look and report back In the morning (3:30 am for me rn)
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Lol yeah u should sleep
Humam43278mo ago
What other mods are known to interfere
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Humam43278mo ago
Oh it could have to do with c2me then Ill take a look tomorrow Gonna take a look now Havin trouble finding the settings Ill uninstall it till i can find it in the config files I think ill have to visit the chunks again the bamboo turns into large green pillars if i get far enough I think i did somethin wrong lol Nope its just like that Hmm
Humam43278mo ago
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Humam43278mo ago
Ive got no other mods that are going to affect it Ig the server render distance is that low Ohh wait c2me is on the server but would that cause client related problems ?
MarijnIsN00B8mo ago
Bamboo LODs just look like that But if you see LODs over your real chunks then you should turn up your overdraw prevention
Humam43278mo ago
Alr I did that Think the server render distance is just low