CreateOptionAction type error
I'm trying to create a button next to my select field with a createOptionAction but i´m still receiving this error, this is a Filament Page with a getFormSchema()
App\Filament\Pages\ToolReceipt::App\Filament\Pages{closure}(): Argument #1 ($action) must be of type App\Filament\Pages\Components\Actions\Action, Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action given, called in /code/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php on line 36
I already tried
Section::make('Agregar Documento')
->schema([ Select::make('addDocument')
->label('Agregar Documento')
->placeholder("Selecciona una opción")
'01' => 'Físico',
'02' => 'Electrónico',
->label(('Nombre del documento'))
->createOptionAction(function (Pages\Forms\Components\Actions\Action $action) {
return $action
->modalHeading(('Nombre del documento'))
->modalButton(('Nombre del documento'))
]), ])
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