How to speed up the search function on a table with relationships

I have a table with ~300 records and searching the table in production takes close to 10 seconds. Two of the searchable() columns are relationships. I have a different resource with a similar number of rows (but no relationships) and searching takes less than 1 second. The docs say that relationships are already eager loaded by default. Could I have accidentally disabled eager loading somehow? Is there anything I can do to speed up the search process with relationships?
maybe it's the inner select that's slow then 🤔 Anyway, this is probably not a filament issue. You can try to modify your search query to make it faster or try other ways (eg create a custom view etc)
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20 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Eager loading is not relevant here. Searching always happens on the DB level. If things are slow your are probably missing an index.
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
Can you please explain more? Both tables have primary ID indexes
ModestasV16mo ago
Primary ID index is one thing. But the columns you do the search on - also need an index. Otherwise database performs full text search each time, which is slow For example: You have name/last name. And people can search in them, so these columns need to have an index on them. As that will speed up the search proccess by a lot. So my suggestion would be - make a local copy (if possible!) and play around directly in the database. Try to add indexes and see if it improved. If that worked - you can make migrations, re-import your db copy, test and then push to live
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
Thanks for the explanation!
ChesterS16mo ago
Just keep in mind that indexes for text searches are not always as straightforward as others, especially if you're doing %like% searches. But yeah. plugins like Laravel Debugbar can help you identify slow-running queries so you can try to optimise them.
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
So I've added an index to a varchar column and it has helped, but I still have a slow query. How do I try and optimize it? Also - looking at the logs of my queries I actually have two slow queries. One is just getting the count of records that will be returned, the other gets the actual results Both are tagged as slow on Telescope (both take between 250 and 300ms locally)
ChesterS16mo ago
Yeah that's because of the pagination. It's a known fact/issue. Can you simplify/optimise the slow query?
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
So it looks like this issue is that one query is actually two queries:
count(*) as aggregate
`category_id` in (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28)
and (`items`.`deleted_at` is null)
and (
`name` like '%turke%'
or exists (
`items`.`id` = `market_items`.`item_id`
and `barcode` like '%turke%'
and `market_items`.`deleted_at` is null
count(*) as aggregate
`category_id` in (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28)
and (`items`.`deleted_at` is null)
and (
`name` like '%turke%'
or exists (
`items`.`id` = `market_items`.`item_id`
and `barcode` like '%turke%'
and `market_items`.`deleted_at` is null
ChesterS16mo ago
Also 300ms is not ideal but not crazy - depending on the data. You said it takes 10 seconds - where does the rest of the delay come from?
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
This is locally Adding an index and removing one column as searchable dropped the time from roughly 1100ms to 650ms in production it takes closer to 8sec on average so it'll make it better
ChesterS16mo ago
Yeap. My bet is it's the barcode like '%turke%' query. Also have a look at this, might help with pagination
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
Yeah I bet so too. For comparison on time, for a table without any relationship columns the query time is 10ms with a similar number of records (locally) The relationship search is 25x slower... Really appreciate the community link. I'll definitely try this out
ChesterS16mo ago
Hmm you're using a whereHas in your query, right?
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
No I don't think so just a where I use a whereIn with the modifyQueryUsing
ChesterS16mo ago
Ok I just asked because this looks like a query generated by whereHas on a relation. You might be able to improve it with a custom query but I'm not good enough at SQL to help with that. Out of curiosity, how many records are there in the items and market_items tables?
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
Locally, 2500 in each but the whereIn shrinks it to 500 *to 500 for the query in question
ChesterS16mo ago
maybe it's the inner select that's slow then 🤔 Anyway, this is probably not a filament issue. You can try to modify your search query to make it faster or try other ways (eg create a custom view etc)
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
Yeah you're probably right Appreciate the help!
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
For anyone who encounters this problem later, I found that using this plugin ( made my queries much faster
GitHub - webbingbrasil/filament-advancedfilter: A collection of eas...
A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament - GitHub - webbingbrasil/filament-advancedfilter: A collection of easy-to-use filters with clause conditions to Filament
bwurtz999OP16mo ago
You don't get to use the nice search bar in the table, but it works

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