```command /storage [<integer>]: aliases: st trigger: set {_n} to arg 1 if arg 1 is not set: set {_n} to 0 close player's inventory open chest with 6 rows named "&lStorage No.%{_n}%" to player set {_slot} to 0 loop {%uuid of player%::storage::%{_n}%::*}: set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to loop-value add 1 to {_slot} on inventory close: inventory name of event-inventory contain "&lStorage No." set {_n} to "%inventory name of event-inventory%" replace "&lStorage No." with "" in {_n} set {_n} to {_n} parsed as number delete {%uuid of player%::storage::%{_n}%::*} set {_slot} to 0 wait a ticks loop 54 times: add slot {_slot} of event-inventory to {%uuid of player%::storage::%{_n}%::*} add 1 to {_slot}``` このコードでストレージを作っているのですが エラーも起きず普通に動くのですがたまに一つのstorageが全部消えます 条件もわからず急に消えてしまいます わかるかたいますか