editing lod files

hello i was asking my self if there is any way to edit the lod files in the server data folder. i would like to do that for a server ehich uses a plug in to make the wold higher by teleporting you away. so if i could modify the lods i could kinda render the whole map at once and not have to stare at a blank void the whole time.
8 Replies
MarijnIsN00B16mo ago
I dont understand what you mean, you want to use the same LODs for different worlds?
FopetixOP16mo ago
its not a diffirent wold its in the same wold but really far appart its like layer of the world here is how the sever functions
FopetixOP16mo ago
MarijnIsN00B16mo ago
Oh wow that looks really cool
FopetixOP16mo ago
do you get my idea
MarijnIsN00B16mo ago
Afaik I dont think there is a way to do what you're asking
FopetixOP16mo ago
ok Kinda sad Could this be modded in?
BackSun16mo ago
This might be possible via the DhApi, although I don't remember if loading/unloading levels was added.

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