Custom Domain Error

I'm trying to move a pages deployment to a new domain, I wasn't the original developer who implemented the exisiting pages, but when I try to add the new domains, I get an Inactive (Error) instantly on the status, what are the debugging steps? The existing custom domains also have SSL enabled where the new ones dont.
16 Replies
RamirezOP16mo ago
Do I need to remove the existing domains? The two active ones are and Im moving to
Chaika16mo ago
You get 100 custom domains per project on free plan, don't need to remove Can you share the actual domain name you're trying to add? Inactive Error instantly could be Trust & Safety Ban or some other issues like if you have Zone Hold on the domain (Enterprise only), etc
RamirezOP16mo ago
Chaika16mo ago
hmm looks like Trust and Safety
The hostname is part of a banned domain. This web property cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time. If you are an Enterprise customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Otherwise, please email [email protected] with the name of the web property and a detailed explanation of your association with this web property.
RamirezOP16mo ago
What is the fastest way I can get this resolved? This is extremely urgent
Chaika16mo ago
I've heard of some simple cases where it's just a matter of an overdue unpaid invoice (check if you have any)
Terry H
Terry H16mo ago
Hi. Owner here of the website in question. This really sucks.... we have 100s of thousands of users that are waiting for us to bring our website back up Is there anyway you can help @Chaika ?
Chaika16mo ago
I can ask a CF Employee to verify it really is a Trust & Safety ban (I just tested by adding it as a Custom hostname on my end and that flag came up), but if it is, nothing you can do but email to find out the exact cause and resolve it
RamirezOP16mo ago
If we called sales, and signed up for enterprise for one month would this be resolved quicker?
Terry H
Terry H16mo ago
Love how we're getting forced to upgrade to Enterprise Can you share the CF Employee's contact info? Maybe we can talk with them directly? The matter is of extreme urgency
Erisa16mo ago
Hello, Chaika has brought this issue to my attention and I am looking into it now, one moment. Could someone on the account please visit and open a ticket in the Billing category and then share with me the ticket number so I can get it looked at? Thank you.
Terry H
Terry H16mo ago
@Erisa | Support Engineer hello. Ticket ID: 3029822 We tried to add a test domain to the account ( and paid for business there with no issues. The only issue is our live site domain ( which will not allow us to ugprade It is vital this gets solved as every second downtime is crucal
Erisa16mo ago
Thank you, I will flag this with the billing team as urgent priority and see what we can do
Terry H
Terry H16mo ago
Ok thank you. Do you happen to know when that will happen? I have my whole team of 7 developers waiting for just this...
Erisa16mo ago
I cannot give an estimate (I would if I could, believe me I understand) but I'm flagging it with the team so there should be eyes on it as soon as is possible to
Terry H
Terry H16mo ago
Are we talking about like 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, 1 day? Just any rough estimate

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